Monday, May 5, 2014

Who's Been Eating My Porridge

Our song birds are very neat eaters. If any seed falls to the ground they pick it up fairly quickly. We have our feeder on the floor of the patio so if they should spill seed we can sweep it up. We don't want the seeds germinating in our lawn. I had just added mealworms to the feed for any babies birds needing to be fed.

 Last week the seeds started being spread everywhere. So we knew there was someone new coming for dinner. And that someone new was not very tidy.

 Last night we saw the culprit. We have Roadrunners! We were taking our Sunday late afternoon nap when we heard tapping, no make that knocking, on our patio door. There were two Roadrunners, a male and a female. The male was seeing his reflection in the glass and attacking his competition.

Bill used his stealth  hunter skills and was able to get right up to him. He came back several times throughout the afternoon. All the mealworms are gone so their babies are well fed. Roadrunners are meat eaters. The parents start with worms for the babies and progress up to snakes for them. Yea, one more way for the snakes to be gone!

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