Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where Will I Find ...

When most people need to find something in their house they go to a cabinet and there it is. Not so in our case. I wanted to make a vegetable tart and needed a pie pan. So, I go to my one baking cabinet and no pie pans.

So it's off to the West Wing to our boxes. When I was packing to move Bill asked why I wasn't writing on the boxes what was in each one. I told him I am marking the room they go to and that's all that's needed. I can tell you by looking at the box almost exactly what is in each one.

Went into this room where I have my kitchen and dining room boxes, moved three boxes that were on top of the one I wanted. There were my pie pans. Then came the decision of which of my eight do I want in the kitchen. There isn't room for all of them.

I use each and every one of these pans; they all have a purpose and mean something to me. We received them either as wedding gifts or from my Grandma or Aunt Edna when they passed away so I will never get rid of any of them, way too precious. 

Chose the one I wanted closed up the box put it back in place, replaced the other three boxes and made my tart; which tasted wonderful.

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