Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rock On

Things are happening like crazy at the house right now. Our mason wants to get started on our front porch columns sooner than later. The rest of the house will be rocked later. We will need to get the siding on and footings poured before that can happen.

Of course since we own a rock yard we have a multitude of rock to choose from both here on the yard and what we know is out there that's available. We agreed to count to three and then blurt out our favorite rock. One...Two...Three LATTE SWIRL. No negotiating needed here we both want the same rock with the same color of mortar, Magnolia, laid in the same style. Whew, that could have been a sticky point in the construction.

Here is the truck loaded to take out what we need for the columns. There will be a multitude of trucks going out for the rest of the house. We just don't want all the rock sitting around and us becoming frustrated that we can't get it up.

 You can see how beautiful this rock is. From the street it looks like a warm golden brown and the closer you get the more interesting it becomes. There are pieces that look like the rings in a tree. There are swirls of coffee and cream, hence the name Latte Swirl. The quarry calls it Chop Swirl but we wanted a sexier name for it. There are pieces with solid color ranging from very light to very dark brown. If it didn't have those blocks of no pattern it would be way too psychedelic. So excited to get one more step done. Just ordered all the cinder blocks, mason cement, premix concrete, all the stuff you need for this task.

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