It is really tough being at work when we finally have some building going on at the house. This afternoon we had a slow period so I ran home. Exciting things were happening that when we left for work this morning weren't on the schedule to happen. The lumber yard hadn't delivered our LVLs, which are the manufactured beams to carry the weight of this huge expanse of a roof line. Because of that the framers couldn't do the roof line of the garage. If the framers had given us 5 days notice like they said they would we could have had everything there for them. Bill has had to run to Lowes to get anchor bolts, nails, and more studs for them throughout the day.
When I got home it looked like a construction site. Guys with tool belts running around. The sound of an air compressor. Measurements being yelled out and saws running. You can see in the right garage door that we had to get the Scissor Lift out of the West Wing so it could be used in the Residence.
This is what wasn't planned on happening today. We thought we would be doing this part of the building ourselves. Since the framers couldn't work on the roof they were going to leave and then come back. No way!!!!! It has taken too long to get someone here don't leave. Bill asked if the would frame in the front wall for the door. Sure they would, more money in their pocket.
Now we can add our front door and side lights. Called the mason this afternoon for him to come out and build the rock columns for the front porch. When he has the columns done the framers come back out and will build the front porch roof out to the columns. We need to make the decision if we are going to keep the sloped flat concrete for our porch floor or cut it out and make a level floor that will have a step up.
While I was home the lumber yard brought out our roof beams, LVLs. Those are the serious beams that are hanging over the cab of the truck. Bill has to take the delivery truck down to the lumber place and get one more. The framer decided that he wants to use one more just to be safe. We don't want any sagging roof problems in the future.

This driver didn't drop everything off as neatly as the first one did. Those 32 foot beams kind of threw it all off to the side. He had to move the lumber off the retaining wall.
Part of the outside wall on the garage has been put up.