Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unseen Workers

We have been frustrated this week because the garage is not being roofed. We were told Monday or Wednesday and still nothing and it's the weekend. Now we know why and lots of work has actually been done on our behalf. Our roofer was told that the way the roof was done we would need to deck the entire roof. That would take a bunch of OSB and a lot of man hours. No one could tell him why they wanted it decked. Look around at the metal buildings around you and none of them are decked. Finally, one guy told him it was for noise during a hail storm. It is a garage who cares about noise. Then we was told it was for leaking issues. The joists do not line up with the roofing material. When the roofing sheets would be screwed together if the screws do not go into wood the screws could leak around them. Okay, that makes sense. Now, through all of this there have been men on the roof almost every day that we didn't know about. looking, apprising the situation, making measurements. So today, Saturday, there is a guy cutting our 10 foot sections of metal roofing to exactly fit over the weird angled roofing joists so when the roof is screwed in it is going into wood. This is being done offsite so I hope he is really good at measuring twice and cutting once. Unseen, silent worker bees are working hard to get us a roof. Hopefully, Monday the roof goes on but of course there are thunderstorms in the forecast.

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