Saturday, June 7, 2014

Love the Rain

Oklahoma is in a worse drought than the Dust Bowl days. We aren't in danger of the state blowing away like we were back then but it is still pretty bad. We are in better shape now because of improved farming techniques and irrigated lawns. Our house has received over 3 inches of rain this week and it is suppose to rain all weekend. Wish the pond was fixed, this rain would go a long way in filling it. But, that project is way down on the to do list.

The problem we are having with the rain is we still don't have a roof on the garage or front porch. We are next in line with the roofers but they have to finish the job they are on now. Every day it rains pushes us back three days. The day of the rain and two days for things to dry out so they can get back on the slippery roofs. So our garage walls trap the water and it gets higher and higher. We are concerned that it may at some point seep into the Residence or even worse into the apartment. So Bill, my out of the box thinker, came up with an idea. He drilled small holes into the plate boards for the water to seep out of. Plate boards are the boards that are attached to the concrete floor that your wall studs are nailed to. After the rock goes up those holes will be covered so no chance of insects of coming in through them. The holes are small enough that the integrity of the boards is not compromised.

The next concern we had was the rock columns. They are fresh mortar absorbing all the water from the inside out. Pity the poor guy if anyone should ever run into our columns, those babies are solid concrete. There was no rock trash to pick up because the masons put it all into the columns along with masonry. But that means we haven't had enough time for everything to dry inside the columns and now rain is falling into them since they are open on the top and no roof protecting them.

So up Bill goes and puts a raincoat on each column.
He cut pieces off one of the tarps from the pond and laid it over the open top. Another potential problem circumvented by my ingenious husband.

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