Monday, December 14, 2015

Safecrackers We're Not

The floor safe which is in the wrong spot in the office has to come out. The Previous Owner had it in the front little room inside a cabinet. I would never been able to use this safe. You had to crawl into the cabinet and then lay on the floor to reach in to the safe. Not very conducive to using it. When we opened the wall between the two rooms to make on large room for our office; the safe ended up in the middle of the floor right where we would be walking. It was s tripping hazard all through the building process.

Figured how hard could it be to chisel the concrete and get that baby out. It takes no time at all on bank robber movies. Drilled holes all around the perimeter. Then we ought to be able to use a hammer and chisel and break the concrete out.  That didn't work so on to the hammer drill. After I burned up our hammer drill trying that we stopped this project and went on to something else. We hit up the Pawnshops in town and got a really nice replacement hammer drill but it didn't make a dent in the concrete.

 Next stop rental store and got a Jack Hammer!!!!! Always wanted to try one of these guys. Too tall for me, my hands were at shoulder height. A little difficult to control in that position.

 Ear protection on and starting to work.' All the hours we had spent with our little tools, the big guy comes in and makes short work of the concrete. We get the concrete jack hammered out and the safe still won't come out. We dig and dig to get the sand that is under the floor out and it still won't budge. Figured the bottom must be flared to make it more difficult for some bad guy to get the safe out.
 Sure enough after wiggling and prying when we finally got it out there is a metal plate on the bottom of the safe keeping it securely in the ground.
 Now we have a big hole in the middle of our floor.
 Filled the hole in with all the broken concrete pieces, we will mix up a batch of concrete, throw in little more rebar in and be ready for the office floor.

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