Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Dirty Jobs

Need to call Mark Rowe with Dirty Jobs. 

One of the things worked on while we were gone was our front culvert. The north end of the culvert was underground. You can just imagine how much water was going through it. That's right; none. It was just flowing up and around our drive. This causied issues during this past Springs torrential rains.
 Here you can see how far underground the end of the culvert was.

 This is the south end. It was at least exposed on the top so we knew there was a culvert.

  Brynnlee was in charge of hauling all the tools out to the road.

This is what the culvert looked like. Completely compacted with dirt. We have a boring tool that I used for this  job. You use it if you need to go under concrete to lay pipe or anything. It is a 10 foot piece of PVC with a nozzle on the end. You hook it up to your garden hose and the nozzle on the end turns the water into a high power jet. It cuts a hole in the dirt. Then  the water helps move stuff out.

 Darrick came and helped with this job.

This is what we had to do to pull the dirt out that the tool had loosened.  Crawl in as far as we could with the hoe and pull mud and rock and trash out with us.

Then the boys came and crawled in to help pull dirt out.

 He's going in!! Wyatt went in with no holds barred. Wasn't quite strong enough to cut through the root ball we found.

But, he did have fun. I got completely covered with mud he was able to stay up on his elbows and keep out of the flowing water and mud.

The girls loved the muddy creek we made with all the water we pumped through that culvert. Really glad we don't have to pay for water.   
 This was truly a family affair.
Success!!!! Sunlight and it only took 6 hours. There is a root ball right smack in the middle that I am hoping the rains coming in the end of the week will wash out. If not I will need to crawl all the way in and cut it out. Ughh.

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