Monday, October 13, 2014

Forward Looking

When you are building piecemeal and not in the right order you always have to be thinking many steps ahead. How can what you are doing now make a difference in what you will work on later? One of these days we will have the time to work on our pond. We need to line it with good ole red clay and then Bentonite clay to make it waterproof and not a sieve like it is now.

Another good thing to line the pond with is gypsum. Sheetrock is made from gypsum. So all of our sheetrock scraps will be going into the bottom of the pond.  Saving the environment by not putting it in the landfill and saving us money by reducing the amount of Bentonite we will have to buy.

We will fill boxes with the scraps and then when we have a bunch we will lay them in the pond. I know this looks like a feeble amount but we have a whole house to sheetrock so there will be a bunch.

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