Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Identity Crisis

We only moved one mile north and four and a half miles east; and boy have things changed. We are no longer in Edmond, our post office address is Arcadia; but, we are in not in the town we are Oklahoma county. We are under Guthrie 911 service. I don't know where they would take us in case of emergency, the Guthrie hospital or Edmond. The Edmond hospitals are closer but I don't know and hopefully we will never have to find out. A volunteer fire department, Woodcrest, will be our heroes in case of a fire. The fire station is just two miles straight north of us. Don't know if it is manned at all hours or if the firefighters have to come in off of their tractors. We do not have city trash service even though we are just 2 miles from people who do, which means we have no way of recycling which is very difficult for us. We can accept not having natural gas and having to use propane. We are researching building our own wind turbine to supplement our electricity.

Yesterday in the mail box was the latest change of identity.
Lincoln county phone book. This covers everything from us to Stroud. to the east. Stroud is a long ways away from us. A short move in miles and huge move in who we are.

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