Love it when I come home from work and discover people have been at the house working. Yesterday I cam home and our dirt guy and his crew were there. We are bartering out his services so I don't expect him to have us on his high priority list so it's super exciting when he is there.
They got several things done yesterday. We had asked for a little dirt between the drive and the retaining wall to us to put our decorative rock on top of and they had filled the area instead of leaving a 4 inch drop.These things happen when you aren't there to point and talk, just general verbal over the phone. Yesterday they lowered the dirt to the level we wanted.
Now the ball is back in our court to get on it and get our landscape fabric down and some beautiful Granite Gems down. The Granite Gems are from Granite Oklahoma, the only place in Oklahoma to have granite. They are grey, blue and red so they should be beautiful with the colors of the Oklahoma Red Sandstone and the grey concrete of the back up area behind the garage.
The next thing they worked on was our really ugly problem pond. It is such an eye sore, luckily we are the only ones who can see it. When the pond was dug they moved all the clay to the dam and just left sandy soil that does not hold water. When we are finished the pond should be beautiful with peninsulas, a goose nesting island, lots of fish and at least one row boat to play around on. Our dirt guy suggested a Jet Ski but I don't think I want that noise or maintenance. We don't even have one of those at the lake. If the kids want to buy one okay but we won't be doing that.
We have to get rid of the tarps that the previous owner thought would be a way to keep water in the pond. Tarps are not designed to hold pond water. He didn't even lap them over each other he laid them end to end. The water just flows under them and then seeps into the soil.
The Skid Steer would clean the soil off the tarp, the guys would fold them and then haul them away.
This does not look safe! To pile the tarps as high in the bucket as possible one guy rode on top of them. All I could think of was since we aren't paying them hopefully we are not liable if he falls off and is run over by the equipment. They were laughing and cheering so it was a good excitement for them; a nervous excitement for me.
We decided the tarps that are on the lower part of the pond are going to be left. It would take days and days to get all of them out of the pond. We will cover them with clay and then the Bentonite(sp) and they will act as another layer in the construction.